
Synecode during pregnancy, dangerous to your health

Sinecode is an excellent tool in the treatment of colds. The relief from its use comes quickly, thanks to the active active ingredient.

But the presence of side effects and contraindications to use cannot speak of the complete safety of the drug. You should be especially careful when taking Sinecode during the bearing of the baby.

How effective the drug is during this period and is safe for the baby and mother can be found in the information below.

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed in the form of drops or syrup, since in this form Sinecode is most quickly absorbed by the body and soon relief comes.

The active substance in both cases is butamirate cetrate. In addition to this active substance, the following components are included in the composition of the medicinal product:

  • sorbitol solution;
  • glycerol;
  • saccharinate;
  • sodium of aquatic nature;
  • benzoic acid;
  • purified water.

All auxiliary components are selected in exact dosages, so that the patient’s recovery begins already at the first dose of the drug.

The appointment of Sinecode occurs in the presence of the following diseases:

  • treatment of diagnosed pertussis;
  • prevention of cough during surgical interventions;
  • cough treatment after surgical procedures;
  • dry cough, provoked by various reasons, including cigarette abuse;
  • quick suppression of cough for any medical manipulation;
  • the appointment of bronchoscopy.

Before prescribing the drug, the attending physician should carefully examine a sick woman to exclude diseases such as flu, asthma, bronchitis and other complex respiratory diseases.

If there is any doubt about the etymology of cough, tests are mandatory, and if necessary, fluorography is done. Only after the final diagnosis, the patient can take the first dose of the drug.

If during the day after taking the medicine the temperature rises, a feeling of nausea and diarrhea appears, Sinecode should be quickly canceled and a medical examination should be carried out again.

Sinecode is quickly absorbed by body tissues and immediately enters the cough center, which helps to alleviate the symptoms of the disease after the first dose of the drug. Once inside the bronchi and upper respiratory tract, the product gently affects them and causes sputum discharge.

Thanks to this ability, the possibility of the appearance of a mucous plug is almost reduced to a minimum, since sputum begins to depart within 20-30 minutes after administration.

Sinecode is able to stay in the body for a long time, maintaining the necessary dosage of the active substance to prevent the re-formation of pathogenic bacteria.

By gradually inhibiting the metabolism of bacteria, the drug completely removes the infected mucus, leaving the bronchi and pharynx clean.

This property also helps to facilitate breathing, increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. This, in turn, saves from the appearance of headaches, a state of lethargy and drowsiness.

What is the danger (and is it dangerous?) Of the drug for pregnant women?

Sinecode is a fairly powerful medical tool that requires careful study of contraindications when using:

  • baby’s age up to 2 months when using Sinecode in the form of drops;
  • the age of the child is up to 3 years when using Sinecode in the form of a syrup;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester;
  • in II and III trimesters only when absolutely necessary;
  • lactation period;
  • allergic to any of the components.

If there is even one contraindication, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

In rare cases, you may be given a minimum dose of Sinecode if the benefits for you and the child are obvious. In other cases, the use of the drug is unjustified.

Side effects

Despite its high effectiveness, Sinecode has several side effects.

They do not always occur due to overdose or prolonged use, sometimes the cause of side effects is a cumulative allergy or excessive sensitivity.

The main cases of side effects on the body include:

  • skin rashes of an allergic nature;
  • tearing cough;
  • drowsiness and severe dizziness;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • anxiety;
  • increased emotional state.

In most cases, the appointment of Sinecode is tolerated by patients without the appearance of side effects. Most often they occur when prescribing a drug to children and pregnant women.

For this reason, it is not necessary to independently determine the dosage of the drug and consult a gynecologist and therapist. If necessary, take general tests.

Dosage and duration of administration

It is advisable to start treatment with Sinecode in the first hours of the disease that has manifested, since this will help to avoid the appointment of large doses of the drug.


  • in cases complicated by other diseases, 5 drops four times a day;
  • during the normal course of pregnancy in the first trimester, not more than 10 drops three to four times a day;
  • in the second trimester, a dosage increase of up to 15 drops is allowed, but it is better to adhere to the scheme of the first three months;
  • the third trimester allows the administration of a drug in a dosage of 15 drops four times a day.

In severe forms of the disease and too complicated pregnancy, an individual dosage of the drug is necessary.


  • in the first trimester is not appointed;
  • in the second trimester, the appointment of the drug in a dosage of 5 ml three times a day is allowed;
  • in the third trimester, the dosage is equal to the second period of pregnancy, in rare cases, the fourth dose is allowed.

During upcoming surgical interventions or after them, the dosage of Sinecode is prescribed by the attending physician.

If taking the medicine is uncomfortable, you can first try to lower the dose. If this does not help, you need to cancel the drug. Sinecode treatment is only possible for one week.
Application features
First trimester

A synecode in the form of a syrup cannot be prescribed in the first three months of pregnancy, since it is dangerous for the forming organism of the unborn baby.

In rare cases, it is allowed to prescribe a drug in the form of drops, but only after thoroughly researching and prescribing all the necessary tests. It is important to take the minimum dosage of Sinecode.

Second trimester

At this time, you can already take drops and syrup, but the first form of the drug is still safer. In the second trimester, it is possible to prescribe minimum and standard dosages of the drug, if there are no contraindications for this.

If you have stomach problems or have high blood sugar, additional tests should be done.

Third trimester

The third trimester is the most favorable for taking Sinecode. But because of the greater load on the liver and kidneys, you should carefully consider the dosage of the drug. It is better to start with a minimum dose, as this will not affect your body so much and will not affect the baby.

Carefully monitor the state of your digestive system. If vomiting and diarrhea appear, you should refuse to take the drug, as this can lead to premature birth due to additional pressure on the uterus.

Sinecode Analogs

Currently, there are no drugs completely identical in composition to Sinecode. However, you can pick up those that are identical in the way they affect the body.

Herbion with plantain. It helps with dry cough due to its natural composition and antiseptic properties.

It is advisable to start taking this drug only from the fourth month of pregnancy, when the risk to the fetus is significantly reduced.

Dosages of Herbion should not exceed those that are prescribed for colds to children. If the treatment does not have the proper effect, it is worth finding a more effective remedy.

Codelac Neo. One of the popular remedies for the appointment with a dry cough. During pregnancy, its use is not recommended, since its ability to penetrate into the tissues of the body is unknown.

With caution, Codelac Neo can be used in the last three months of pregnancy, if the course of pregnancy passes without complications and the risk to the fetus is minimal.

During the bearing of the baby, the course of treatment can not be more than 5 days, if not even the slightest relief comes. If the disease from the use of the drug weakens, a course extension of up to 7 days is permissible.

Omnitus. This drug is also prescribed only from the second trimester, in the first trimester it is better to seek help from herbal medicines.

Dosages during pregnancy should be minimal. If the remedy does not help, sometimes an increase in the dosage of Omnitus to an average is allowed. The course of treatment with the drug during pregnancy is no more than 5 days.

Sinecode is a good medicine, but only if it is used correctly. Under no circumstances should you take this medication without consulting a doctor only on the advice of friends or a pharmacist.

Before use, you should carefully examine your health condition, evaluate the benefits to the fetus, and read the instructions for use.

Sometimes a very serious illness may be hidden behind a dry cough, which may require treatment in a hospital.

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