
Symptoms of viral hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that affects the liver. Initially, the disease can occur without any symptoms. At this time, yet people are unaware of their disease, the virus continues to destroy the liver, leading to its cirrhosis or cancer.

Every year the number of people infected with hepatitis C virus increases. Among them are not only people leading an antisocial life. Anyone can become infected.

Hepatitis C virus has no “preferences” in the form of age limits or gender. According to statistics, the success rate of treatment of the disease in women and children is much higher than men.

The differences between hepatitis A, b and C

Hepatitis A, b and C are infectious diseases that affect the liver and cause inflammation. But these types of hepatitis there are a number of differences. Therefore mistakenly assume that hepatitis is only one. Their difference is that each type is invoked by a particular virus. In addition, these types of infections vary in duration and severity of the disease.

The hepatitis a virus is the most common and in comparison with other types, does not cause major complications. To get hepatitis this type is possible with casual contact. The incubation period ranges from 1 week to 2.5 months. The first signs of disease are apparent in the increase in body temperature. After 2-3 days, the patient has discoloration of feces and dark urine, and then develops a yellowing of the skin (jaundice).

The duration of jaundice ranged from 2 weeks to 2 months. Treatment involves following a special diet and liver protecting drugs. The recovery period after illness may take more than six months.

Feature of viral hepatitis is that the disease is transmitted through blood, sexual intercourse or from mother to child. Hepatitis strongly affects the liver, may develop cancer or cirrhosis. Besides temperature, there may be symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, discoloration of feces, pain in the joints, and the like. Treatment of hepatitis b virus is carried out using the following group of drugs: antibiotics, medications, hormones, immune drugs.

The causative agent of hepatitis C is considered the most dangerous to humans. According to statistics, 70% of patients the disease is not cured completely and becomes chronic. There are more than 14 genotypes of the virus, which differ in the characteristics of the disease.

By laboratory researches it was established, how long does the hepatitis b virus and at what temperature dies. Stability in the external environment of the virus stored at room temperature from 16 hours to 4 days. In sub-zero temperatures hepatitis can live for many years.

Under the influence of various acids, alcohols, antiseptics and other disinfectants, the virus outside the human body dies instantly.

Ways of infection With hepatitis C

In the recent past to get hepatitis was in the blood transfusions. Now, this probability of infection has decreased significantly, since all blood donors are tested for presence of the virus. Only an emergency transfusion from person to person or the dishonesty of medical personnel who examines the donor’s blood may cause the penetration of the virus into the body.

Sources of viral hepatitis type C are:
  1. Multiple use of disposable needles and syringes. Very often, this way of distribution is common in people with narcotic dependence.
  2. The use of a fully nepasterizirovannym or poorly pruned instruments that are used repeatedly for different people. That is, the virus can be transmitted in the salon (scissors, comb, tweezers, manicure set, etc.), in the office of the dentist (needles, drills, spatulas), in the salons tattoo and body piercing.
  3. Unprotected intercourse.
  4. From mother to child. If a pregnant woman is a carrier or is sick, the virus can be transmitted to the child.

At risk of infection are people whose specialty is closely linked to direct contact with the virus or its carriers. Employees medicine who treat patients or conduct research of blood. The virus is striking in the case if you get into an open wound (a cut).

The hepatitis C virus can not be infected by airborne droplets, when shaking hands (if not open wounds), the kiss or embrace.

Infection can occur from a person who does not suffer from hepatitis, but is a carrier of the virus. That is, carriage of the virus is that the carrier itself is not sick, but he can infect others. In most cases, the carrier of the hepatitis b finds out about his illness accidentally, after a blood test.

Symptoms of viral hepatitis

From penetration into the body of the virus until the first symptoms can take from 2 to 26 weeks.

Patients experience the following symptoms:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • itching;
  • discoloration of stool;
  • darkening of urine;
  • signs of intoxication;
  • stomach pain and right side;
  • disorders chair.

All the above symptoms except General weakness and fatigue usually occur when the disease has significantly damaged the liver. Pain in the right hypochondrium is not immediately felt since the liver has no pain receptors.

Treatment of the disease

The question of how to kill the virus in the body and get rid of the disease asks anyone who has been diagnosed with hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C virus is quite difficult to treat. The primary therapy is to eliminate the inflammatory process and to prevent further liver damage. Main drugs used for hepatitis C are Interferon and Ribavirin. Special attention is paid to the immune system, so appointed Immunostimulants. Medication supplements plasmapheresis (blood purification). The principle of its operation is based on the to clear the blood plasma with the help of various filters toxins, poisons and viruses that it contains. In the chronic form of the disease will need 3-5 treatments to stop the worsening and to slow down the destruction of liver cells.

When the diagnosis of viral hepatitis C it is impossible to self-medicate. Such attempts may significantly worsen the patient’s condition and even lead to death.

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