
Temperature for prostatitis

The inflammatory process itself involves the presence of temperature, and, consequently, its availability for prostatitis should not surprise the patient.

This kind of response of the organism, which occurs under the influence of an infectious agent on the prostate. The process of inflammation starts the lesion, and eventually begins to spread throughout the body, when bacteria. In severe cases, it is possible to note the increase in temperature to a level 39-40 °C.

Every man prostatitis manifests itself in different ways, someone pronounced the same symptoms, someone other. There is also a separate category of men who have the temperature increase observed in prostatitis.

In addition, the patient may experience painful cramps during urination, erectile dysfunction and sexual desire. To determine the type of inflammatory process and adequate treatment, in this situation, can only be a specialist.

Temperature rise – deviation from the norm

Almost all men are interested in the question: “Could it be the temperature for prostatitis and are not dangerous?”. Any urologist will answer that prostatitis is an inflammatory process, respectively, the increase in temperature is almost always observed in this pathology. This phenomenon often occurs because of pronounced inflammation, which is localized in the tissue structures of the prostate gland or nearby tissues.

If the prostate is detected the abscess, the human body begins to respond to the process, that is, to develop a specific cellular structure – mediators. They are responsible for the activation of the immune response and give the signal that occur in the body pathological changes.

Such cells include:

  • the polypeptides of IL1;
  • lipid prostaglandins.

These compounds can cause a reaction of irritation in relation to the thermoregulation center, in order to reduce the activity of some of the factors and stimuli that lead to the development of inflammation.


In the presence of inflammation in the prostate gland, is an increase in temperature. Most often, this area of pathology is located directly in the prostate or nearby tissue structures.

The inflammation develops due to:

  • the presence of bacterial agents;
  • stagnation.

Infection is one of the reasons for the increase in temperature for prostatitis

Bacteria have the ability to penetrate the prostate gland and its tissue during intercourse or in the presence of the organism to infectious processes. Usually such a picture is characteristic of acute forms of prostatitis, which is developing very fast and has pronounced symptoms. Men who are on duty for a long time in a sitting position, there is stagnant phenomena in the pelvis, which leads to the development of prostatitis.

In addition, the predisposing factors are: reduced sexual activity or, on the contrary, increased, presence of harmful habits and oxygen starvation. As a result, cellular structures begin to die, and, accordingly, on the point of death begins to form an inflammatory lesion. Such a pathology is typical of chronic prostatitis.


The temperature of the prostatitis in men is accompanied by characteristic manifestations which combine to give the ability to put the patient a full diagnosis.

The related symptoms include:

  • painful spasms in the groin area, radiating to the lower back;
  • reduced erection;
  • the enlarged prostate in size, followed by compression of the rectum and the formation of constipation;
  • pain and burning sensation during urination.

If a man feels that he has a fever, often he did not attach much importance to this indicator, not yet joined by other symptoms. If this signal is to ignore the further course of the disease may significantly worsen. According to statistics, almost all men do not attach much importance to this symptom, accordingly, the necessary treatment they start to much later, and as a result, the large number of inflammatory sites and the transition of the disease in the acute or chronic stage.

If you do not have the basic appearance of prostatitis, and there is only a temperature to match it with this pathology it is necessary to measure the rectal and axillary temperature readings and subtract the difference between them. Both temperature levels will be higher than normal, but if rectal measurement is the numbers of 0.5 °C will be higher than when measured under the arm, it is a signal that an inflammatory process occurs in the prostate and surrounding tissues.

Temperature readings for different types of prostatitis

The intensity of the symptoms of the inflammatory process of the prostate depends on the affected gland, and the presence of comorbidities in the male body. Therefore, not all forms of prostatitis can be fixed temperature. With the stagnant phenomena high temperature is very rare. When it begins to accumulate the secret of the prostate gland or a small amount of blood, in the absence of an infectious agent temperature changes are observed.

Temperature and pain in the groin is a sign of developing prostatitis

In some cases, may increase to 37 °C. If the man revealed acute catarrhal prostatitis, necessarily present in an infection. Accordingly, inflammation could develop in the background of SARS and the virus has spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. In this situation, the temperature may range from 37 to 38 °C.

Experts say that the increase in temperature of the body has a positive effect on the body. This suggests that the systems of the human body are active in fighting inflammation, and possible cures. When catarrhal period ends, the temperature returns to normal. Below is a brief summary of how the temperature changes in different forms of prostatitis.

Chronic prostatitis

In chronic prostatitis increasing in temperature to 37,2 °C, Since the symptoms are very mild. In the case when the man feels painful spasms when urinating, reduced sexual desire, then you suspect the beginning of the inflammatory process. With such a temperature the human body can cope on their own, so the doctor does not appoint antipyretics, and only prescribes antibiotics.

The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks and the temperature is normalized on the fourth day. In addition, it is worth noting that in the period of taking antibiotics also may increase performance, but this is not a signal for cancellation of the drugs, so the treatment must continue. All changes in therapy can only be made by the attending physician.

Acute prostatitis

The acute form of prostatitis is divided into three subspecies, and each of them can be different temperature readings. In the catarrhal form changes of temperature can be in the range of 37.5 to 38 °C, due to the fact that there is violation of outflow of blood and lymph. In connection with the decrease in immunity in this situation, there may be associated inflammatory processes in the body such as sinusitis or the flu.

In the scheme of treatment the doctor include anti-inflammatory agents that can reduce the severity of the pathological process, as well as to bring the temperature down, the result is a complete cure. If you do not pay attention to these signs and not to treat catarrhal forms, it develops follicular prostatitis, which is accompanied by an increase in the number of leukocytes.

In the acute form of prostatitis there are various temperature readings

In this situation, the temperature measure may be above 38 °C, but sometimes changes may not be. In addition, join symptoms such as pain aching in the groin area, painful spasms in the process of bowel movements and frequent urination. In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, the patient should follow the doctor’s recommendations and then the treatment period will not last longer than 10 days.

If the patient is not involved in treatment, the process begins to acquire chronic course or goes into acute parenchymatous stage.

Parenchymal form of prostatitis may lead to an increase in temperature to 40 °C. and kept it for quite a long time. And related symptoms reminiscent of purulent inflammation with the acute course. Lesion inflammation begins to grow and to flow into nearby tissues and organs, and pain becomes more intense, you can give in the thigh area.

All the other clinical manifestations are directly related to temperature: decreased appetite, General weakness, lethargy, chills. Often patients do not pay attention to the change of his fortune, as it becomes chronic, but this is a risk that may develop complications, such as abscess of the prostate. The doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Regardless of the type of acute prostatitis, there is a certain regimen that can be modified depending on the patient, since the body of every man is individual and has a different perception of the proposed treatments. Usually in the regimen urologist includes anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and in some situations, adjuvants and sulfonamides.

Abacterial prostatitis

Non-communicable or abacterial prostatitis implies stagnation prostate secretion or of blood in the region of the pelvis. The inflammatory process is local in nature in the bloodstream of the patient no bacterial agents, respectively, the phenomenon of fever is missing. If we ignore congestion, the whole process can become chronic and then raising the temperature characteristics can not be avoided. Such a situation has not occurred, it is necessary to do everything that was advised by the doctor.

Therapeutic measures

If the prostate gland has already hit the infection and the fever, an urgent need to run to the doctor for appropriate treatment. In the scheme of treatment the doctor will include medications that will help reduce or completely eliminate the inflammation. These include: anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic medicines.

Next, a brief description of those groups of drugs and their effect on the organism when the prostate. Antibacterial agents, most often fluoroquinolones, have antimicrobial action and destroy harmful microorganisms. Often use Ciprofloxacin and Moxifloxacin. Antipyretic drugs needed to eliminate the manifestations of fever and relief of the General condition of the patient. For this purpose, use Paracetamol.

Antibiotic therapy is an integral part of treatment of prostatitis, with the exception of abacterial forms

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is necessary to reduce the activity of inflammation, or its complete relief, in addition, they participate in the process of reducing prostaglandin production. By NSAIDs include Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. Drugs with analgesic effect is needed to eliminate pain syndrome. This group includes Ketanov, Baclofen, Dipyrone.

When there is fever it is not recommended to visit the steam room, sauna or bath, use other similar methods of warming up. Not recommended for massage because they can increase inflammation and lead to the development of sepsis. In addition to drug therapy, men with prostatitis should make changes in diet, fluid intake and sleep.

During treatment is to stick to a diet that includes meals, specially selected for patients with prostatitis. During a fever, you can eat chicken and potato soup, crackers, rye bread, boiled meat, eggs, mashed potatoes and vegetable stew. Also pay attention to fluid intake. At higher temperatures, it is necessary to increase the use of drinking water. You can also drink juice, herbal tea, juices (tomato, carrot, beet).

Sleep and wakefulness plays a very important role in the treatment of prostatitis. When the patient has fever, his body exhausted and weakened, because of this, the best option is to take the prone position until such time as the doctor is not allowed to change the amplitude of activity.

If you follow all doctor’s recommendations and take timely medicines, whatever form of prostatitis, decrease in temperature and improvement in General well-being will come on the third day after the start of therapy. If not, you should notify the attending physician. The doctor will determine the reason why did not happen much change and will make adjustments in the treatment regimen.

Based on all the above, men should not be questions, especially regarding the topic: “does the temperature of the prostate?” and how to deal with this problem. In a situation when fever persists for a long time and all this the patient feels unwell, pain in groin and frequent urination is a signal of anxiety, you need to go to the doctor. Any delay can result in severe complications, such a situation will only doctor.

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