
Features of therapeutic swimming in scoliosis

Medical swimming with scoliosis has a very beneficial effect on the bone and muscle systems, which means that swimming is very useful for any curvature of the spine.

In addition, it helps to stretch and unload the spine, strengthens the muscular corset and increases the strength of the legs and hands. In addition, when swimming, the load is on the entire body at the same time, and therefore – symmetrically, and there are no muscles that train more than others.

All these positive factors and doctors take into account when advised in scoliosis to use such exercises. But when the patient is prescribed these procedures, the doctor must take into account the severity of the disease, its shape and the general condition of the patient, because in some forms of scoliosis, swimming can be contraindicated, and some people do not know how to do it.

It should be remembered that swimming has a positive effect only if it is used in combination with other therapeutic factors, for example, strengthening physical exercises, pool exercises and medication intake, which will be prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to positive effects on the bones and muscles, exercises in the pool with scoliosis help also to achieve other positive effects:

  • Increase the elasticity of the skin.
  • Stimulate metabolic processes.
  • Optimize the work of the heart.
  • With regular sessions, the heart rate slows down, which saves heart reserves.
  • The volume of the lungs increases due to the training of the respiratory musculature.

Many believe that therapeutic swimming can not harm the body. In fact, this is far from the case. Not everyone knows that there are a number of contraindications in which it is better not to approach the basin or an open water body, as staying in the water can only exacerbate the situation.

In no case can you swim if scoliosis is burdened with severe pain – in water with active movements they can only increase.

Also, such procedures should not be used as a therapy for such diseases and pathologies as:

  • Eye diseases.
  • Diseases of the ears, mouth and nasopharynx.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Open sores on the skin.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Asthma.

Also it must be remembered that swimming can not contribute to a complete cure for scoliosis. It only helps to strengthen muscles and bone tissue, but does not affect the recovery in any way.

Expert advice

The style of swimming in the pool and the exercises that the patient will perform in the water are selected strictly individually. Discussion is conducted with the attending physician or trainer. During classes, you should closely monitor your breathing. Therefore, before you go down into the water, you need to learn how to breathe properly.

During the voyage it is necessary to strictly control the stability of the spine and keep it in the correct position. Do not use any devices for passive stretching of the vertebrae.

The most effective method of healing is a breaststroke. In this case, the muscles of the body are straining, and the spine is stretched as much as possible. In this case, the style of swimming and other exercises in the water will depend on the degree of scoliosis.

At the first degree of scoliosis, it is allowed to swim with a breaststroke or a crochet on the back or abdomen, however, it is necessary to control the speed of overcoming water areas.

At the second and third degree of scoliosis, asymmetric exercises will be necessary, in which the load will fall only on the right parts of the body, and the healthy spine will not strain.

At the fourth stage, again, symmetrical exercises will be ideal, but it is better not to use asymmetric exercises.

Workout plan

Each training should have a clear sequence:

  • Warm up and warm up outside the water.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Swim breasts on his chest, which can be considered an exercise of a preparatory nature.
  • Individually selected exercises to correct curvature.
  • Swimming with brace with the technique of prolonged slip.
  • Again a series of exercises of an individual character.
  • Exercises using weighting agents.
  • Arbitrary swimming.
  • Exit to land.

Of course, this is only an approximate plan, which can be changed at the coach’s wish depending on the general condition of the patient. When

It should be remembered that all training should be conducted only under the supervision of a doctor or trainer. There is no arbitrariness here, since exercises that are not prescribed by a doctor can cause much harm to the spine and only aggravate the general condition as well as the curvature of the spine itself.

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