
Arthritis Ankle Treatment

The mechanism for the development of arthritis in the ankle is the reason why it arose.

Due to the effects of these diseases, the body’s protective functions are weakened, and the immune system perceives its articular tissues as foreign. The next reason that causes arthritis is flat feet and high loads on this area. With this combination, permanent microtraumatization occurs, resulting in arthritis.

However, not only injuries provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the knee joint. The reason for its occurrence is a disease characterized by metabolic disturbances, a genetic predisposition and infection.

Malfunctions in the body occur after

  1. Bekhterev’s disease;
  2. articular psoriasis;
  3. systemic lupus erythematosus;
  4. rheumatoid arthritis.

Also common causes that contribute to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the joint are considered overweight and poor nutrition. It is overweight that leads to an increase in the load on the articular joint, which causes injury to the joint.

As for the improperly selected diet, as well as overeating and the prevalence in the menu of products that contribute to the deposition of purines (salts) in the joint, this factor is the main catalyst for the onset of acute arthritis in the ankle.

Signs of the development of the disease

Most often, the patient’s doctor is prompted by severe pain during walking , which occurs in the late stages of the disease.

Obvious symptoms are unusual for the initial period of arthritis, but you can suspect the onset of pathology in the ankle joint according to a number of signs:

  • Pain in the ankle joint;
  • Edema. Swelling can be detected by palpation of the ankle joint. After pressing, a small hole remains;
  • Redness and temperature increase in a damaged joint;
  • Restriction of motor activity;
  • Symptoms of inflammation throughout the body and poor health of the patient. In this case, weakness and fever may be observed.

If such symptoms are found, it is recommended to consult a doctor for the appointment of hardware diagnostics and laboratory tests. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor, since at an early stage of the disease, treatment is usually carried out at home, and folk remedies are quite effective. And for advanced forms of the disease, only medication or even surgery is prescribed.

Form and stages of ankle arthritis
Separately, it is worthwhile to dwell on the forms of the disease, since the nature of the course of inflammation affects the choice of therapy. So for the acute period, a sudden onset of the process is characteristic, which is most often accompanied by burning pain in the area of ​​the affected cartilage.

In a chronic form, the disease does not have pronounced symptoms and proceeds more gently, because of which the patient can ignore periodically occurring pains. Thus, the disease develops into arthroso arthritis and leads to disability.

Arthritis of the ankle joint has several stages of development, which are very clearly visible in x-ray photographs:

  • first stage. The joint already has collagen fibers that have arisen during age-related changes or during degenerative processes of cartilage tissue;
  • second stage. The resulting collagen fibers begin to break, which contributes to the further destruction of cartilage. Cartilage cells begin to grow and condense;
  • third stage. This period is characterized by further destruction of the cartilage, in which lamellar joints and small cavities with pieces of cartilage or bone tissue appear;
  • fourth stage. During this period, complete destruction of the joint occurs.
The main methods of treating arthritis in the ankle joint

After the diagnosis, the patient is selected therapy based on the nature of the inflammatory process. The treatment of arthritis is usually complex and is carried out both at home and in the hospital.

In order to reduce the inflammatory process, relieve pain and prevent joint deformation, the treatment may include:

  1. drug therapy;
  2. treatment with folk remedies;
  3. diet therapy;
  4. massage;
  5. physiotherapy;
  6. physiotherapy
  7. surgical intervention (in the late stages of development).
Drug therapy

First of all, the maximum joint is assigned to a sick joint. If it is not possible to adhere to bed rest, then you will need to apply elastic dressings to the damaged area, which will allow you to immobilize the affected joint.

While walking, it is recommended to use a cane , which will take on most of the load.

As a medical treatment, non-steroidal drugs are prescribed that relieve inflammation and reduce swelling, as well as painkillers for severe pain. The disadvantages of non-steroidal drugs include the occurrence of side effects that disrupt the digestive tract. Therefore, if there is a possibility and allows the degree of damage to the joint, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which include aspirin, diclofenac, nabumeton, ibuprofen, piroxicam and the like.

Chondoprotectors designed to slow deformation processes and restore cartilage tissue are also prescribed. However, treatment with agents of this type has an effect only in the initial stages of the disease, when the cartilage tissue can still regenerate itself.

For external use, specialists recommend the use of gels, ointments, creams, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It is not recommended to warm the area of ​​inflammation of the ankle joint, which is in the acute stage of the disease.

Folk remedies in the fight against arthrosis: herbal decoctions

At home, treatment with folk remedies can be added to the main treatment for arthrosis of the ankle joint. A decoction of lingonberry leaves helps very well. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water 2 tsp. prepared herbal raw materials and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, it is consumed in small sips throughout the day. By this principle, decoctions of blackcurrant leaves, corn stigmas and birch buds are prepared.

Herbal tea from a mixture of birch, violet and nettle has a good effect. Each component is taken in 2.5 tablespoons, 200g of boiling water is poured and infused in a water bath for 10 minutes. It is taken in 0.5 cups up to 4 times a day.

Ointments and compresses for the treatment of arthrosis

In addition to herbal decoctions, healers recommend folk remedies to cook at home. In this capacity, an ointment made on the basis of turpentine (1 tsp) with the addition of egg yolk and 1 tbsp can be used. l apple cider vinegar. All components are thoroughly mixed together. The resulting tool relieves lameness with deforming arthritis.

Also, compresses from fir oil are recognized as effective folk remedies at the first signs of arthritis. To do this, the damaged joint is heated with sand or sea salt, after which it is rubbed with fir oil. Further, the treated area is again covered with heated sand or salt. It does not hurt to apply magnesium polymineral bischofite to a diseased joint, which quite well reduces pain.

Diet therapy

A prerequisite for effective treatment is a review of nutrition and diet.

This approach will ensure the elimination of accumulated harmful substances from the body and will reduce the level of purines.

From the patient’s diet are excluded:

  • alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee, cocoa;
  • fried, smoked, canned foods;
  • strong meat broths;
  • animal fats and fatty dairy products;
  • sorrel, rhubarb, mushrooms;
  • grapes, raspberries.
Therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapy, massage

Therapeutic gymnastics is an essential component of therapy. As a result of the effects of repeatedly repeated gentle exercises, the fluid accumulated in the joint cavity gradually begins to dissolve, the temperature in the affected area normalizes, blood circulation improves, and the lost functions of the foot are gradually restored.

Massage and physiotherapy are prescribed only in cases where the disease is in a chronic stage or in remission, since physical and thermal effects in the acute period can only aggravate the patient’s condition.

Well recommended laser and ultrasound treatments, paraffin baths, various electrical procedures and galvanic mud therapy.

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