
Body-building, hernia of the spine

A herniated disc is not a reason for refusing any sports. The spine is constantly support is required due to the strengthening of a muscular corset. Body-building, hernia complement conservative treatment.

Prevention of the disease

Back problems, including a hernia, can be caused not only by defect, but by excess of exercise. Especially dangerous basic exercises with dynamic load on the spine.

If you are performing deadlifts and power squats, for minimal fabric wear of the intervertebral discs is required to restrict motion in the lumbar spine.

The benefit of carry of exercises designed to stretch the muscles back of the thigh.

In the case of different lengths of legs for the prevention of hernia is necessary to refuse from exercise with a support on both legs and leg press. Different length of the legs is often caused by subluxations of the sacroiliac joint, which entail different heights of the iliac bones relative to the vertebral column. The result of this imbalance is different length feet.

Exercises for the back

Prevention of a herniated disc includes exercises for the back muscles and the press. Exercises for your back are recommended rolls on her back, pulling on the Board Evminova, stretching on the floor, hanging on the horizontal bar.

Board Evminova helpful because it gives you the ability to change the angle of the body relative to the floor. The result is a reduced impact on the spine. Trainer gradually rise and reach its vertical position.

When training as a press work the abdominal muscles, and large lumbar.

When a body-Builder, sit-UPS, hanging by your feet, there is a beneficial effect on the lumbar muscles that hold the vertebrae in the normal position.

Developed abdominal muscles reduce the likelihood of occurrence of a hernia. They increase pressure in the abdominal cavity and strengthen the lower back.

The correct execution of the exercises without weight

If the hernia was already diagnosed with in the gym to perform the exercises without weight. These include squats. You should start with 5 times, bringing in a further 20 times. This is done as follows: back straight, feet apart on shoulder width. You then slow down, which is the breath, and when lifting exhale.

With the purpose of stretching the vertebral column need to stand up straight and lower the arms along the body. Inhale, stretch up the head, hands and freeze in this position for 20 seconds. On the exhale return to its original position. The exercise is performed three times.

Standing straight, raise the arms up and locked in that position. After lean forward and stand like this for 20 seconds. Repeat the slopes 4 times.

These and other exercises are performed without sudden movements and twisting of the spine.

Exercises with weights

Exercises with a barbell in a vertical position is extremely undesirable when the hernia. But swing is still possible. To do this, replace the barbell weights. Start with 5 approaches, bringing over 2 weeks to 15. After 3 weeks, move to dumbbells much weight.

Technique exercises is as follows: holding in each hand a dumbbell, put feet on width of shoulders and inhale. Bulging chest forward, hold breath and strain the abdominal muscles.

Lower back bend to strengthen the muscles of the lower spine. Then slowly sit down, slowly lifting and exhale. Squeeze the bar and lying. Just be sure that the lumbar spine does not bend and tightly pressed to the bench.

A chin-up is also allowed with spinal hernia and strengthens all back muscles, except for the bottom.

The types of devices, hernia

With this diagnosis useful strength training equipment that simulates rowing. The lessons they form a muscular corset for the spine. The risk of compression of the intervertebral disc in the course of working with them is small.

The use of a stationary bike is acceptable, when it comes to horizontal model. This trainer gives you the ability to sit without strain, since it is equipped with special rollers under the back.

If the hernia is developed in the cervical or thoracic spine, the doctors are allowed to do on the hyperextension machine.

This simulator is designed specifically for people with problematic spine. When used properly, helps to avoid surgery.

Hyperextension – the process of flexion and extension, which are load polusharnirnye and biceps muscles on the thigh and calf and gluteal muscles.

The correct operation of such machine, arms crossed behind his head or on his chest, and the body looks like a straight line. Jerks invalid. The machine hyperextension is possible to replace the Roman chair, which is easy to customize growth.

Allowed sports

An allowed physical training includes bodybuilding, fitness, Pilates, swimming and body pump.

Training program body pump developed by fitness by Les Mills New Zealand. This certified lesson with mini-bars.

Exercises are designed for large muscle groups, holding them by the instructor, the running time is 1 hour.

The classes are for people of any fitness level, as long as the participant squatted, doing presses, mini-bars, lunges and push-UPS. The exercise is not open to people with an aggravation of diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus.


In the case of herniated lumbar swimming reduces the workload of the spine. Gradually disappearing pain syndrome occurring against the backdrop of the compressor spasm of the paravertebral muscles.

Swimming has a positive effect on the circulatory system, resulting in improved nutrition in the inflamed tissues. While problems with the blood supply prevent the flow of the medicinal components to the inflamed area.

Dynamic and static movements in the water are distributed evenly, the result is the strengthening of a muscular corset. Reduced discomfort in the lumbar region, the vertebrae as the patient is relieved from stress.

Moreover, swimming relieves stress, which is important when the hernia.

People with this diagnosis are often worried about possible paralysis and disability. For this reason, classes in the pool are assigned a rehabilitation period.

A set of exercises prepared by the instructor after consultation with a physician that defines the muscles that require strengthening. When the hernia is recommended crawl and backstroke.


Fitness classes when the hernia begins with a coach who puts the correct technique of the exercises. Trained in orthopedic corset. First, it is recommended to perform a warm-up and stretching.

Fitness classes in the hernia are of a rehabilitation nature. To solve the issues of weight loss or increasing strength at this stage is impossible.

With the proper approach to training improves blood circulation in the muscles and the pathological region, are muscle spasms, restores the muscular corset is formed and anatomically correct posture.


This trend was created specifically for people with poor health. A herniated lumbar are assigned exercises in the prone position and on all fours. Practiced Pilates with the use of additional equipment.

The main advantage of Pilates is that it has no force and the vertical load on the spine.

The result of the training is to promote muscle, improve posture, relieve tension from the damaged disk.

The original Pilates training with a trainer, and after a few sessions move to independent performance of exercises. Classes are held daily for 30 minutes.

The benefits of squats

Doing squats herniation, you need to carefully check the correct position of the body. The main advantage of sit-UPS is to work all muscles of the back and legs.

Squats improve circulation in the pelvic region.

Subject to equipment performing a proper posture. Squats improve circulation in the pelvic area and stimulate the metabolism. When you perform squats up and down slowly. Fitness instructors recommend to compensate for the load intensity due to frequent repetitions.

Once lost a comfortable feeling, squats to stop immediately. After it is recommended to lie down on a hard surface, making light movements with the pelvis, with the aim of relieving tension in the lower back.


When the hernia is contra-indicated axial loads, including jumping. Not recommended for team sports: the probability of worsening of the disease or receiving a new trauma.

Cardio training is excluded from running, but the fit Nordic walking classes and on the elliptical trainer.

You can’t jump rope. These classes increase the compression of the lower spine that threatens severe complications.

Banned and those exercises that involve twisting of the spine. A number of limitations for the exercise of power, appoints and selects only the attending physician.

Workout hernia

How to exercise if you have a hernia of the spine?

Wrong approach to training causes hernia incarceration and neurological disorders. Aggravating factors are excessive physical exertion contraindicated, and sports.

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