
Lower abdominal pain when urinating

Condition when urinating pain in abdomen, causes physical and psychological discomfort in women and men. Pathological symptoms significantly reduce quality of life, restrict freedom of movement, making adjustments in the travel plans.

Such negative symptoms are characteristic of many diseases of the urinary system of man and should not be ignored. To establish why lower abdominal pain during urination appears each time you visit the toilet, you should visit a doctor for a thorough diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment.

Lower abdominal pain after urination is also a symptom of many diseases.

Characteristic differences of disease in men and women

Under normal condition all of urination is carried out by man without any problems. But if one of the stages of emptying the bladder felt pulling or cutting pain in the abdomen, then in the body formed one or more inflammatory foci. Dysuria is a disorder of the process of separation of urine (sometimes containing blood) refers to diseases that require differential diagnosis.

There are many causes of painful spasms:

  • inflammation in one of the departments of the urinary system;
  • mechanical damage to the integrity of the ureter;
  • the narrowing of the lumen of the urinary tract in the formation of malignant or benign tumors;
  • the imbalance of the main components of urine.

Despite the commonality of symptoms, causes cutting pains great for men and women due to the difference of the anatomical structure of the urethra. Urine formed in the renal structures, the ureter enters the bladder. The stretching of its walls indicates readiness for the evacuation. Man is able to restrain urination by using pulses that are sent to the Central nervous system. Feedback leads to strain sphincter – bladder emptying is delayed.

Abdominal muscles capable of handling the process, straining or relaxing in the urine. The occurrence of pain in this area clearly indicates the malfunction of the organs located behind the abdominal wall. The urethra in girls is somewhat shorter and wider than men, so women often suffer from infectious diseases.

Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate their vagina into the urethra and then into the kidneys. Actively multiply, they emit in the course of their life toxic substances, which become a source of inflammation and pain during urination in women.

Cystitis – a common cause cutting pain in the abdomen

The male urethra is longer and the female is an insurmountable barrier to most bacteria and viruses. Besides, the prostate gland produces special secret with antimicrobial properties, which flows through the ducts into the urethra. Pain when emptying the bladder due to the inflammatory process in the urethra are diagnosed very rarely. Much more cutting spasms in men occur when the infection of the germs of the prostate, epididymis and seminal vesicles.

Why do I get abdominal pain

During the initial exam, the doctor will ask you to elaborate, at what stage of urination appear sharp or nagging pain. This will help already at the initial stage of diagnosis to determine the cause of the pathological state.

To do this the doctor uses a classification discomfort at various stages of emptying of the bladder:

  • pain after urination. A characteristic feature of progressive cystitis, including hemorrhagic. The disease develops on the background of frequent urge to urine separation, which may be false. Cystitis dangerous transition in the chronic form, which becomes a cause of renal failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • pain before urination. The main symptom of formation of foci of infection in the urethra. Pathology often occurs in people who neglect the rules of personal hygiene, and by reducing the body’s resistance to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

The feeling of pulling cramps in the abdomen even when the urge to urinate is one of the signs of damage to structural elements of the kidney (calyx, tubules, pelvis). It is impossible to postpone visits to the doctor, if there is fresh blood in the urine or dark clots.

This means that a painful inflammatory process escalated dramatically under the influence of one of the following factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • acute poisoning or chronic relapse;
  • fatigue, increased exercise;
  • aggravation of endocrine diseases,
  • pathology of the urinary system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the prostate.

One of the causes of pain during difficult urination becomes emotional instability. Usually, this condition occurs when depression or severe stress. Decreases the immune system’s ability to answer the penetration in the human body of viruses and bacteria.

Agents of sexually transmitted diseases provoke the development of pain during urination

Burning and pain in the urethra

Discomfort is a violation of the integrity of the urethral epithelial layer.

The main provoking factors for pathology include infections that are sexually transmitted:

  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis.

Pathogenic bacteria damage the epithelial cells of the urethra, destroying the shell of the toxic products in your life. This releases a huge amount of white blood cells, after the death of forming a favorable environment for the further spread of the infection, the emergence of new foci of inflammation.

The average wall of the urethra consists of smooth muscle fibers with sensory nerve endings. After the destruction of the epithelial cells of the toxins begin to directly affect this layer, causing severe abdominal pain. Burning sensation in the urethral canal serves as a signal of infection.

Diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, in addition to thinning of the epithelial layer, always accompanied by profuse secretion of pus (dead leukocytes).

Here are typical symptoms of such diseases.

  • genitals swollen;
  • appears slime with an unpleasant smell, sometimes with a splash of blood, pus;
  • there is a feeling of dryness and severe itching of the mucous membranes.

Simple yeast fungus Candida becomes a cause of urethritis. Each urination in humans, there is cutting pain, spasm, heaviness in lower abdomen, itching of the genitals. Reduced venous circulation in the inner wall of a hollow organ, the inflammation, pain and swelling.

The integrity of the epithelial layer is disrupted in the following cases:

  • with increased formation of crystals of oxalic acid;
  • excessive production of glucose by the endocrine glands;
  • appointment of pharmacological drugs with mucous membranes irritating effect;
  • poisoning by caustic alkalis, acids, heavy metals, poisons of plant or animal origin;
  • after taking spicy food along with alcohol-containing beverages.

All of these substances can damage, deform a thin layer of epithelium in the urethra. Increased concentration of glucose in urine of the person sick with diabetes, is not in itself capable of provoking a chemical disruption of cell membranes.

But excess sugar greatly dehydrates the body, compromising the integrity of the epithelium, creating a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic microbes.

Another cause of pain in uchennyh urination can become mechanical trauma of the urethra:

  • surgery;
  • improper catheterization of the patient by medical staff;
  • prolonged compression or severe injury of the urinary system.

At risk are people with kidney stone disease or acute and chronic renal failure. These pathologies increase the risk of formation of stones in the bladder or kidney structures. If a large stone passes through the ureter, the person experiences unbearable cutting pains in the abdomen. Sharp edges of stones injure the mucous walls of the urinary tract and even violate their integrity.

Pain in the abdomen and pus in the urine indicate urethral pathology

Why stomach hurts after urination

In men, negative symptoms provokes developing urethritis with simultaneous inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis is characterized by frequent urges to empty, in which urine is separated in the small portions. During urination within a few minutes one feels pains, radiating to the anus. Pain can occur between the emptying of the bladder, most often they are localized near the pubis.

Hemorrhagic cystitis occurs on the background of hyperthermia (elevated body temperature), fatigue and excretion of blood clots.

Stagnation of urine in the bladder causes irritation of the internal mucous membrane, and then its deformation.

The disease is provoked by the following factors:

  • viral and bacterial pathology;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  • mechanical compression of the urinary system;
  • infectious foci in the seminal vesicles in men;
  • abnormal structure and (or) the location of the uterus;
  • swelling of kidney or cardiac etiology;
  • endocrine disorders.

Bedridden patients often experience nagging pain in the abdomen due to the peculiarities of their situation. An incorrectly placed catheter may provoke mechanical damage to the tissues, where rapidly joins secondary bacterial infection. Such people due to the lack of physical activity stagnates urine, decreased functional activity of the bladder.

Strong pain in the stomach

If the source of pain is outside of the urethra and is accompanied by inflammation of the urethra, it indicates kidney, ureters, genital organs. Sharp cramps stomach, cystitis in the process of urination can spread to the anus, but also on the pubic region. For a person with this disease is characterized by the constant change of body position. So he tries to take a comfortable position the pain was not felt too keenly.

The pain similar to labor pains, occur in people who were diagnosed with renal colic. How would a person did not change the position of his body, the spasms become less marked.

Especially strongly they felt:

  • to the right in the lumbar region, spreading to the sides;
  • pull the abdomen;
  • during urination the pain occurs in the large labia and the scrotum.

Severe abdominal pain sometimes with urolithiasis

A distinctive feature of renal colic is fresh blood in the urine. The first symptoms of pathology serve as a signal for treatment to the doctor, and the sharp pains and cramps you should call the team “Ambulance” for hospitalization and further treatment in hospital. Receive antispasmodics only temporarily dulls the pain without eliminating the cause of the disease.

Many people make the mistake of postponing the visit to the doctor after subsiding of pain. Large concretion continues to move down the urinary tract by damaging their shell. Violation of the integrity of the ureter will lead to the exit of blood inside the body that often becomes the cause of sepsis (General blood poisoning). Also increases the likelihood of blockage of the channels of the stone creates a barrier to the discharge of urine. The result of the accumulated urine begins to put pressure on the structural elements of the kidney, affecting the parenchyma, tubules, the calyx and pelvis.

If the ureter did not explode under such pressure, that severely injured the kidney, up to its complete necrosis. So when the diagnosis and treatment of renal colic patient conduct instrumental examinations of the condition of the organs of the urinary system. Thus, to determine its integrity and ability to continue to function.

Pain in diseases that are sexually transmitted, periodically aggravated under the influence of precipitating factors (hypothermia, wrong drugs). Spasms are particularly strongly felt on the left and right lumbar region, and then radiates to the groin and thighs. When untreated venereal pathology accept chronic pain are not pronounced.

They appear as:

  • burning;
  • cramps when urination.

Pathology is accompanied by unpleasant secretions are greenish or yellow from the genitals. Abdominal pain when urinating it is impossible to eliminate with antibiotics, antispasmodics and drugs with diuretic action. Self-treatment will only give impetus to the spread of the disease across all divisions of the urogenital system. And the transition of these pathologies in the chronic form suffer all the systems of human activity, including nervous.

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