
The types and indications for use of exercise machines for your spine

How many people, so much time he suffers from back pain. And today more and more people are turning for advice to the doctor because of back pain.

And such pain can disturb not only adults but also teenagers. Pain can radiate into the lower back or neck. They cause discomfort and deprive a person of rest.

Don’t forget that back pain can be a manifestation of various diseases of internal organs, so it’s best not to self-medicate with medications or use the equipment for stretching the spine.

Treatment methods must choose a specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment for each individual case.

Along with medicines, the doctor often recommends the use of a simulator for the spine. Choosing exercise equipment for your spine, you can go several ways.

  1. To acquire exerciser in a specialty store.
  2. Produce simulator for the back with their hands.
Where you can buy exercise equipment for your spine

Today there are many specialty stores (including online stores) in which prioriteringer for extraction of the spine.

Made simulators for pozvonochnika high quality materials, and the specialists shops will help you select the right trainer.

The action of the simulator for the back

Trainer for stretching the spine will help:

  • keep yourself in good physical shape;
  • to get rid of back pain;
  • to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain;
  • to correct posture;
  • to get rid of varicose veins;
  • to make the spine flexible;
  • to develop a system of muscles.
Simulator for the back of the fifth vertebra

Only the active exercise will help to strengthen the back muscles. This essential could be the trainer of the fifth vertebra. The device of the fifth vertebra is unique and it will not take much time (a few exercises twice a day).

Simulator for the back of the fifth vertebra will help:

  • to strengthen the moving parts of the spine;
  • to restore stale and broken back;
  • to form a muscular corset to hold the spine in the correct physiological position.
How to make a shell for the back of their hands

Often, in various pathologies, the specialist recommends the use of a simulator for stretching of the spine. Stretch the spine need special equipment.

But you can make your own hand exerciser for the back. In the Internet there are lots of different schemes of such devices.

Stretching the spine in a vertical traction

The easiest exercise for stretching of the spine is the bar for the vertical stretching of the back, hand made. It is set in the doorway. To make such a bar is necessary from durable material to withstand heavy loads.

At this bar, made with your own hands, you need to hang for 30 seconds several times a day. With regular repetition, this technique is very effective.

If you intensify the exercise, and in vis to make a circular motion foot, will stretch the whole spine and the lumbar spine.

It is necessary to stop exercise and consult a doctor if time exercises appeared or intensified back pain.

Trainer for stretching back on an incline with your hands

Spine traction is suitable and is not recommended for everyone. So, in older people, for example, weak hands, and they are not able to hang even recommended time.

So for them, as for many people the best fit trainer for extraction of the spine on an inclined surface, which can be done by hand.

For the manufacture of such devices it is necessary to take a wide Board with a smooth surface. Better a Board wrap durable fabric in several layers, so that during classes the body does not slip.

The upper edge of the Board need to be mounted securely at a height of approximately 130 cm from the floor. You can attach the Board to the windowsill or wall. The angle between the floor and the Board should be 45 degrees.

To the upper edge of the shell are attached to wide webbing with a length of 40 cm to Attach the straps so that you can easily (without help) to pull the hands in. Trainer for stretching of the spine made his hands ready.

Such a simulator:

  • treats low back pain;
  • helps to get rid of a herniated disc;
  • heal scoliosis, sciatica;
  • increases the distance between the vertebrae and the articular surfaces of the vertebrae;
  • straightens your posture;
  • relieves fatigue and stress of the back muscles;
  • improves the blood flow in the vessels;
  • traction of the cervical;
  • physical education for children and adults.

In order to stretch the spine, lie down on the Board with your back or stomach and slide the hand into the special straps to try to relax the muscle of the whole body.

If the supine position, then the knees, and if the laying on the stomach, under the lower leg to put a pillow. Clasp hands Board should not be.

To use exercise equipment for back hand made only after consulting with an experienced specialist. Better to visit the clinic and do under the guidance of a qualified professional. So all the risk factors are minimized.

If the patient plans to do at home by yourself, it would still need to consult an experienced specialist in sports medicine who will tell you how to do the lessons to each individual patient.

Remember that improper execution of exercises on the simulator, made by hand, and the recommendations of the expert may cause irreparable harm to the body. Be healthy!

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