Healthy breathing – is the absence of pathologies not only in the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. Healthy should be all the departments that provide pneumatization, including the sinuses. Cyst of the maxillary sinus is a complication arising from a long course of various inflammatory pathologies.
It could be sinusitis or not treated timely, the tooth with the spread of odontogenic infection in his journey of ascent. In any case pathology treatment should be timely and adequate.
Early diagnosis and conservative treatment in the initial stage is complicated by the almost complete absence of signs. Symptoms may appear much later, when there will be an active compression of the surrounding soft tissues.
Endoscopic removal of cysts of the maxillary sinus is the most gentle and painless method of treatment, widely used in various clinics. You need to understand what can cause a maxillary cyst, if not make the appropriate treatment, endoscopic removal, what consequences can be to health.
That’s about it, and about the probable causes and possible methods of disposal, and we will discuss in this article.
What is a maxillary cyst, and what are the reasons can cause?
First, let’s clarify the terminology. What is a maxillary cyst from a medical point of view? This tumor neoplasm benign course, formed under the influence of a number of negative factors. A detailed review is often a bubble, consisting of connective-tissue shell, inside is serous or interstitial fluid. With prolonged stagnation of the fluid inside the bladder may suppurate, causing symptoms of intoxication and pain in the nose area.
Classification of the forms of pathology is carried out in two ways: origin and domestic content. In origin, the tumor may be retentive (true) or false (like the formation of cystic protrusions of the mucosa). The first species has a full structure with the formation of the mucous layer inside the bladder. The tumor itself is capable of producing mucus, due to which there is regular emptying of the contents. At about the cyst internal secretion is absent, but there is effusion of serous fluid, having a tendency to colonization of pathogenic microflora. False growths are often the result of a long course of allergic rhinitis.
Depending on the internal component of the cysts can be serous or mucous, purulent, or hemorrhagic. There are also pneumatic tumors filled with air. They usually don’t cause any disturbances and do not require any treatment.
The main reason for the formation of such tumors lies in the violation of the timely outflow produced by mucus and fluid from special glands located in the thickness of the mucous membrane of the sinuses. Swelling, inflammation, trauma, infections – all can stop the outflow of fluids, which begins to accumulate within and forming a kind of bubble. Gradually the protrusion of the affected tissue in the cavity of the maxillary sinus. But even at this stage symptoms may not be present. Typical signs can appear only in case of sepsis and the development of acute inflammatory process.
What reasons can cause a cyst of the maxillary sinus, we consider the main risk factors:
- frequent and long flowing acute respiratory diseases;
- sore throat, tonsillitis, adenoiditis;
- the effects of tonsillectomy;
- the spread of odontogenic (tooth) infection;
- sinusitis and other sinusitis with chronic relapsing;
- allergic forms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis;
- violation of metabolism.
There is a genetic predisposition to violation of the outflow of secretion of various glands. Therefore, these abnormalities may be associated with frequent furunkuleze, adenopathies, acne.
Symptoms of cyst in the left and right maxillary sinus
True neoplasm usually has the odontogenic nature. About formation do not cause absolutely no discomfort. Their symptoms can be detected accidentally while conducting radiographic studies of the paranasal sinuses. So we have to consider the symptoms of cysts of the maxillary sinus caused by carious spread of infection. Most often these tumors are formed exclusively in the lower part of the cavity have the tendency to suppuration and manifestations the classic clinical picture of acute sinusitis.
Retention cyst of the tooth in the maxillary sinus up to a certain point develops completely asymptomatic, without giving anything of their presence. Most often the process is unilateral, respectively pain syndrome appears to the left or right. A cyst of the left maxillary sinus gives pain region between the left wing of the nose and eye socket. Cyst right maxillary sinus makes itself felt in the same way from the opposite side.
Typical signs that establish the diagnosis include:
- the increased pain when bending the head and body forward;
- dizziness and headaches are of a pulsating character;
- sustained release viscous thick mucus sometimes mixed with pus and blood from the nasal passage on the affected side;
- the fever acute exacerbations.
On examination revealed facial asymmetry with displacement of the nose in the opposite direction. Can be seen difficulty with eye movement. A typical swelling at the seat of neoplasms. Further diagnosis requires radiography, in complex cases, it may be shown by computed tomography.
Doctor otolaryngologist during the initial appointment may carry out the puncture of the affected sinus and its sensing for the internal substrate. This procedure temporarily relieves the patient’s condition, improves the flow of accumulated serous or mucous fluid.
Possible treatment – surgery for endoscopic removal of the cyst maxillary sinus
In modern medicine the only possible treatment of the maxillary cyst is surgery. Fortunately, in many cases, removal of cysts of the maxillary sinus may not be required because the tumor does not cause any discomfort and interferes with physiological breathing. In such cases, require clinical supervision, which includes visits to the audiologist are not less 2-x once a year x-rays to assess growth. In addition, it is recommended to carry out active prevention of colds, to monitor oral health, timely dental treatment. It is important to strengthen the immune system.
If necessary, surgery to remove cysts of the maxillary sinus is a preference for minimally invasive surgery. They can be carried out using local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Not have a material adverse effect on the health of the person and his overall health. Although after the procedure is granted sick leave for the period required to fully restore physiological respiration.
Endoscopic removal of cysts of the maxillary sinus is in the procedure of removing the affected gland to prevent its further growth. As a rule, the procedure does not require General anesthesia and external incisions tissues. Is performed using special probes inserted through the nasal passages. It is desirable to do the operation under the control of the radiographic apparatus. It is therefore important to choose a clinic equipped with modern equipment.
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